Straight Forward Consulting
It is a consulting company that specializes in increasing the productivity of its clients through time optimization, simplification of operations and innovation.
Our Goal is to help our clients generate transformation with minimal cost through the resources they already have.
Forgetting traditional techniques of simple cost reduction, Straight Forward Consulting prioritizes the generation of value over the reduction of organizations.
What is the difference between Cost Improvement and Continuous Improvement?
Costs are a fundamental part of any business, but carelessly cutting costs can be counterproductive. A continuous improvement specialist helps you optimize your capital flow without affecting your production.
Forget about assets and liabilities, focus on value. A cost specialist sees your warehouse as an asset, but a continuous improvement specialist sees a product that is not generating income.
At Straight Forward we can help you to:
- Reduce costs without affecting production.
- See your business from a value perspective.
- Free up capital to invest in what really matters.